Understanding the big picture first

A theme for how my brain works: understanding the big picture first will set the stage for success in your journey. 

(1) Explore widely. Collect lots of data points. Find out what is possible. 

(2) Turn that data into small, quick experiments. Learn things. Collaborate. Break a few eggs. 

(3) Focus on the best ideas and ruthlessly cut everything else. Information becomes knowledge, knowledge becomes insight, insight becomes wisdom. 

(4) Return to 1. 

You don’t need to memorize a zillion things

I will teach my 1YO daughter Freya at early age to “learn the trunk and big branches.” Makes it less scary to not need to memorize a zillion things 😊.  BUT … you do need to learn the zillion things first before you can connect the dots. Paradox.

Collect the dots, then connect the dots.