Comparative rate-of-learning

I saw this excellent chart about "comparative rate-of-learning" in startups vs. normal job and had to drop everything to write about it. 

The most valuable compensation for working at a startup as opposed to a “normal job” is a dramatically higher rate-of-learning (ROL).

Though it may seem like money is spilling all over the streets in Silicon Valley, don’t get distracted by shiny objects. Play the long game. Put yourself in a position to maximize your rate-of-learning, even—and especially—if it makes you a little uncomfortable. The long game is hard, but rewarding, because you’ll know you had the strength to make the steeper climb.

The gap reminds me of James Clear's "Power of Tiny Gains" chart; I want to be on the higher velocity curve. As time goes on, these small improvements compound and you suddenly find a very big gap between people who learn slightly more on a daily basis vs. those who don't. 

h/t Kyle Tibbitts